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TechLinks: What you need to know to protect against cyberattacks

Cyberattacks are in the news again. And while the reports may focus on elections or high-profile attacks on government or financial organizations, cyberattacks on small- and medium-size businesses are accelerating and increasingly sophisticated.

In an effort to keep these kinds of issues at the forefront of members’ minds and give a general background and knowledge, we collected a number of links to articles that can offer information as you decide the best approach for you and your company. In addition, we’ve linked several TechLinks stories from the past year that discuss protecting yourself from various scams.

Nolo, one of the web’s largest libraries of free, consumer-friendly legal information, offers a few steps that small businesses can take to prevent being caught in a cyberattack: 1) maintain control over your security chain; 2) implement security and other protection measures; and 3) involve law enforcement after detecting a security breach. The article also offers advice on what to do after a cyberattack.

A May 29 article on suggested that the majority of small businesses do not have a plan to protect against cyberattacks. The article goes on to offer four myths that small business owners might hold and four ways to protect your company.

The best defense is being aware of potential risks, reminds a May 4 article on The article lists the top five ways that cyberattacks occur and offers ways to combat them. Hackers are looking to find the weak link in your organization, so make sure that everyone who works for you is aware of what to look for and how to avoid it.

Also see:

TechLinks: How to build a strong password

TechLinks: Is this email for real?

TechLinks: Staying safe online