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Posts tagged as “book”

Dictionary Jumpstart releases new book

Anissa R. Nierenberger, RPR, CRR, CRC, CRI, owner and founder of Dictionary Jumpstart, Grand Rapids, Mich., has released a brand new book titled, Simpler Syllables, according…

Weekend picks for book lovers

On Jan. 30, USA Today ran a book review of the third in a trilogy authored by Robert Harris that covers the life of Roman…

NCRA member publishes second mystery book

Motion for Malice, the second mystery novel authored by NCRA member Kelly Nasuti, RMR, CRR, CBC, debuted on bookshelves both real and virtual this week.…

NCRA member publishes first mystery book

Motion for Murder, the first mystery novel authored by NCRA member Kelly Nasuti, RMR, CRR, CBC, debuted on bookshelves both real and virtual this week.…