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Posts tagged as “speedbuilding”

It’s a new year, a new beginning

By Kay Moody It’s a new year, and you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to practice more, buckle down, and make progress in machine shorthand.…

Stepping over speed plateaus

By Jackie Young While the standard dictionary definition of plateau is “to have something remain at a stable level or on an even keel,” the…

SPEEDBUILDING: Getting motivated

By Sarah E. Vestrat Like running a marathon, speedbuilding requires a fiercely determined attitude that can only be accessed beneath our sometimes whimsical desires for…

Take back your power from these tests

By Meridith Knepper Carsella As students, we’re taking tests all of the time, particularly in speedbuilding classes. My teacher will remind us frequently, “I can’t…

Becoming a steno master

My work as a court reporting instructor inspires me to always be on the lookout for ways to reach students, to pro­mote steno skills, to…

Why tracking progress works

At some point, every court reporting student is asked to read back everything they write, practice the challenging words and briefs in an effort to…