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Posts tagged as “TRAIN”

Overcoming your fear

By Linda A. Kaiser What is fear? Webster’s defines fear as an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. In the…

Conquer your realtime mountain

If fear is what is stopping you from becoming proficient in realtime, all you may need is a little inspiration to conquer your fears. A…

Is your fear real or imagined?

By Ron Cook Providing realtime for the first (and second, third, fourth, and so on) time is extremely uncomfortable. It was for me and for…

The thrill of the chase

By Mary B. Bader When it comes to being fearful of sending realtime translation to the judge or anyone else, you will never meet a…

Rise to the occasion

By Kristy Clark “Ready? Begin.” These two simple words strike fear in my heart. But why do these seemingly innocuous words unhinge not only me…

The fear factor

By Debra A. Levinson Facing fear is a given as a court reporter. No matter how credentialed you are, no matter how many letters you…

TRAIN: No fear! Getting past realtime roadblocks

What’s preventing you from providing realtime? The Technology Subcommittee asked realtime providers through the TRAIN program for their best tips in getting past the roadblocks and into the groove.…

TRAIN tip: Sign up and test

By Michelle Gudex My best advice to improve your realtime is to sign up for certification tests and practice as hard as you can to…

Can you hear the train a ‘comin’?

NCRA’s TRAIN (Taking Realtime Awareness and Innovation Nationwide) Task Force raised the gate on Nov. 1 and officially rolled out the launch of a nationwide…

TRAIN: Q&A Session

What’s the difference between the software CaseViewNet and having a CaseViewNet license? CaseViewNet is a free realtime-viewing software created by Stenograph. You can write to…

TRAIN: Your next realtime stop

By Lisa Knight With so many different options regarding realtime-viewing software, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of choices! Perhaps you’ve been meaning…

Realtime is our future

“When faced with being replaced by digital technology, I had to make a decision to face it head on, and once I did, I never…

Huseby announces their support of NCRA’s TRAIN

Huseby Inc. Litigation Services announced its support of the NCRA Taking Realtime Awareness and Innovation Nationwide (TRAIN) program in a recent blog post. Huseby serves…