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Posts tagged as “volunteering”

Paying it forward

By Allison Kimmel Do you remember the day you learned that you passed your RPR certification exam? I distinctly remember when I found out —…

NCRA member gives back and gets back

Earlier this month, NCRA member J. Dax Parise, CLVS, was honored with the Locker Room Leadership Award from Light of Life Rescue Mission, a nonprofit…

Annual call for volunteers

Don’t miss this chance to get involved. Each year, NCRA members dedicate their time and expertise to shape the future of the profession through committee…

NCRF holds annual fundraising phone-a-thon

Thousands of calls made between April 20 and May 1 by eight NCRA members who volunteered for the National Court Reporters Foundation’s annual phone-a-thon generated…

What can a mentorship do for you?

I often hear fellow students remark that they want to find a mentor. Some of them have asked me how I found mine, and they…

NCRA recognizes National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week will celebrate its 40th anniversary April 6-12. Many organizations take advantage of this annual event to recognize their volunteers, including NCRA, which…