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Board member captions the Dalai Lama

Heidi Thomas, RDR, CRR, CBC, of Roswell, Ga., took on the task of providing CART captioning services for the Dalai Lama’s public event during his visit to Atlanta, according to an Oct. 10 article on  She supplied realtime transcription of the Dalai Lama’s words projected onto screens during the event for those who cannot hear.

Thomas told the news source that she spent several days doing research to prepare for the Dalai Lama’s visit. She explained that she gleaned unique words he may use from his planned agenda and from past speeches to create a special dictionary.

“It was an incredible experience not only to have the opportunity to provide services for His Holiness, but also to be in his presence,” Thomas says. “He has a keen sense of humor and an infectious laugh.”
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