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Posts published in “Starting Up”

New Professional Profile: Tatelyn Noda

My name is Tatelyn Noda, RPR, and I am an official court reporter for the First Judicial Circuit of Alabama. I graduated from Prince Institute…

New Professional Profile: Bethany Glover

By Mike Hensley Bethany Glover, RPR, is a new professional residing in Long Beach, Calif.  Not only is she new — within her first year…

New Professional Spotlight: Amanda Harwell

By Selana Scott and Michael Hensley Amanda Harwell is a graduate of MacCormac College in Chicago, Ill.  As a new professional court reporter, she has…

Networking advice for students

Cuyahoga Community College’s (Parma, Ohio) Captioning and Court Reporting Club President, Todd Robie, held a “How to Network at a Conference” seminar on April 3…

New captioning company in Idaho

NCRA members Andrea Couch, RDR, CRR, CRC, and Anissa Nierenberger, RPR, CRR, CRC, CRI, are the owners of a new captioning company, IdaCaption, located in…

Ask the techie: Condensing software

The Realtime and Technology Resource Committee is taking your questions on topics surrounding realtime and technology. Send the questions you want the technology committee members…

PROFILE: Catherine J. Phillips, FAPR, RMR, CMRS

Freelance court reporter Currently resides in: Ocala, Fla. Member since: 1988 Graduated from: Jones Business College, Orlando, Fla. Theory: I truly do not remember, but…

Setting up a home office

Many reporters and captioners are freelancers or small business owners, which often means working from home at least part of the time. There are many…


By Christine Phipps Equifax announced in September that they discovered a data breach on July 29, that occurred mid-May through July, which affects 143 million…