Andrea Kramer, author and partner of an international law firm, presents an informative e-seminar about gender issues that may come up for anyone in the workplace. In Confront and overcome gender stereotypes in the workplace, Kramer discusses how stereotypes are developed about men, women, and even successful leaders. “It’s important not to buy into stereotypes,” she adds. “What comes from and grows out of stereotypes are biases, and they’re usually unconscious.” Biases, she continues, affect people’s perceptions and workplace situations. Kramer reviews stereotypes and biases in more detail and what women may experience throughout their careers and every day. She mentions that no matter where court reporters are in their careers, they need to cultivate relationships with people who can give feedback or advice. A final thought she offers to women in the workplace: “Speak when you have something to say without worrying about being seen as aggressive or dominating.”
This e-seminar is now available.