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Making connections in your local community

Photo by Center for Neighborhood Technology

Being involved in local business organizations opens doors for a few court reporting firms. In a previous article about business resources, several firm owners noted that being involved in their local bar and paralegal associations led to making connections for the business.

“We generally network with the lawyers, paralegals and legal secretaries groups in a few different counties, as well as support their seminars and conferences,” said Jan Schmitt, RPR, of Schmitt Reporting & Video, dually based in Vancouver, Wash., and Portland, Ore. “We also support and attend the local legal clinic functions. Personally, I am involved in our community, but I don’t consider that a part of my job, just something I enjoy doing.”

Several others noted other organizations that also helped NCRA members make connections with other local businesspeople.

“One of the best organizations I’ve joined in the past several years in terms of introductions to lawyers and local business executives is Rotary Club International,” says Jan Ballman, RPR, CMRS, of Paradigm Reporting & Captioning of Minneapolis, Minn. Rotary clubs now offer both brick-and-mortar groupings and e-clubs.

Another potential source of local connections is the local Chamber of Commerce. “I am a member of the Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce, Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC, and Better Business Bureau. I serve as a committee member on the Legislative Affairs Committee for the Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce and enjoy planning and participating in their many events,” said Linda Larson, RPR, CRI, who owns Premier Reporting in Carlisle and Harrisburg, Pa. Some local chamber of commerce events also offer support for small businesses.