NCRA’s Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters (CAPR) is currently seeking nominations for its Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters. Nominations are due Dec. 31. Fellows represent the pinnacle of excellence among NCRA members. They are individuals who are a credit to the reporting and captioning professions and embody the highest level of professional ethics.
“When I was awarded the Fellow designation, I felt a combination of pride and humility. It is such an honor to have my peers understand and appreciate the efforts I have given to the court reporting and captioning professions,” said Patricia Graves, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, a captioner in Monument, Colo. Graves was part of the 2014 class of Fellows.
Established in 1972, NCRA’s Academy of Professional Reporters recognizes a nominee’s outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in the field of shorthand reporting. Candidates are required to have been in the active practice of reporting for at least 10 years and to have attained distinction as measured by performance, which includes publication of important papers, creative contributions, service on committees or boards, teaching, and more.
“I consider being elected a Fellow of the Academy of Professional Reporters the highest honor of my career. It’s recognition from top reporters in the field for your contribution to the profession,” said Mary Cox Daniel, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC, a freelancer in Las Vegas, Nev. Daniel was part of the 2011 class of Fellows.
A Fellow’s support of the profession can be seen in his or her activity in professional associations at the state or national level or through a number of other venues. If you know of such a person who has not been named to the Academy, now is your chance to recognize his or her contributions to the profession. View the full criteria and download a nomination form at NCRA.org/Fellows. For more information, contact Cynthia Bruce Andrews at candrews@ncra.org.