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Message from the Board re: Government Relations

The NCRA Board of Directors appreciates those who have stepped forward and made a pledge to contribute funds to reinstate Dave Wenhold’s contract. We are all dedicated to this profession and desire its future success. We recognize the good intentions of those who have come to the table with a solution, rallied support, and respectfully shared their feelings, both pro and con.

The NCRA Board spent a significant amount of time following our November meeting analyzing the finances of NCRA, culminating in the approval of the 2018 budget the week of Nov. 27. The Board did so with a conviction that all line items had to be scrutinized. We examined our priorities, member needs, and staff resources. The finance committee will be closely monitoring all programs and initiatives on a quarterly basis. Fiscal responsibility was a message the NCRA Board received loud and clear during the 2017 Annual Business Meeting.

Our Board is in the midst of creating a new strategic plan, a blueprint to guide us through the next three years. Part of that process is delineating and ranking the programs and initiatives our members view as most important. It is imperative that we focus our staff and financial resources on those areas that require attention and that will have a direct impact on growing and building an awareness about the captioning, judicial reporting, and legal videography professions.

What is clear and is represented in data we have available to us is that our government relations program needs a more focused and goal-oriented plan. When ranking NCRA’s current programs and initiatives, the Member Needs Assessment shows us that members view GR/lobbying as important. When a ratio is created comparing the level of importance versus the level of satisfaction, GR/lobbying ranks highest in dissatisfaction. Certification and credentialing and online education also rank high. Combine this with the critical need to build awareness of the profession, recruit students, and provide qualified employees to the industry, and our path becomes clear. We must seek new ways to provide member satisfaction and work together to move our profession in a positive direction for the future.

At this time, the Board stands by its decision regarding Dave’s 2018 contract. We ask for your support as we continue to fulfill our duty as the Board of Directors of this great organization. We are committed to you, our members, and to the judicial reporting, captioning, and legal videography professions. We share a common purpose and a common passion. Let’s set common goals and work together to achieve success.


Marcia Ferranto                                               Christine J. Willette
Executive Director                                          2017-18 NCRA President
Chief Executive Officer


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