Captioning event marks Good Deeds Day April 17, 2018 WMAR, Baltimore, Md., aired a story on April 15 about a closed captioning event held in honor of Good Deeds Day at the Center for Jewish Education. Read more. Published in Captioning, News and Volunteering More from CaptioningMore posts in Captioning »Access Virginia: Celebrating a decade of accessibility and inclusionAccess Virginia: Celebrating a decade of accessibility and inclusionNCRA reviews FCC rulings requiring telecom providers to accommodate incarcerated persons with disabilitiesNCRA reviews FCC rulings requiring telecom providers to accommodate incarcerated persons with disabilitiesGreen River College prioritizes accessibilityGreen River College prioritizes accessibilityFrom Court to CART: The Dream Team of CART delivered!From Court to CART: The Dream Team of CART delivered!NCRA Professional Captioner featured on CBS MorningsNCRA Professional Captioner featured on CBS MorningsMore from NewsMore posts in News »More #NCRALouisville sessions added to Fall sale in the Learning CenterMore #NCRALouisville sessions added to Fall sale in the Learning CenterBe an early renewerBe an early renewerCircle City Reporting relocates headquartersNCRA members in the newsNCRA A to Z on the road: Igniting enthusiasm for a court reporting or captioning careerNCRA A to Z on the road: Igniting enthusiasm for a court reporting or captioning careerMore from VolunteeringMore posts in Volunteering »Celebrate National Volunteer Month: Become a volunteer today!Celebrate National Volunteer Month: Become a volunteer today!Volunteering grows your knowledgeVolunteering grows your knowledgeBecome a volunteer today!Become a volunteer today!Public displays of appreciationPublic displays of appreciationThank you, volunteersThank you, volunteers