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#11 – A name change

An amendment is being proposed to add captioners to the name of the Association. The proposed amendment, which can be reviewed on page 69 of the June JCR, will help bring more attention to stenography and the machine, help update the image of stenography, and inform the public that stenography serves many purposes.

The proposed amendment is the result of lengthy discussion and membership feedback brought forward during the creation of the new three-year strategic plan. In addition to engagement with membership for feedback, NCRA sought the expertise of outside consultancy.

Voting for amendment #11 will allow the Association’s name to better reflect the current work done by Members and will poise the organization for growth, which, in turn, will help bolster the services and value members receive. In addition, it will drive greater recognition for the human component of court reporting and captioning within the profession’s client communities.

The name National Captioners and Reporters Association will enable the organization to maintain the initialism NCRA in reference to the Association, and a new tag line will underscore what NCRA is and the professions it represents.

You can also read Why it’s time to add Captioners to our name on page 59 of the June JCR.