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Ask a techie: Great briefs for common phrases

Dear Techie:

I’ve heard so much lately that court reporters need to write shorter to keep up with the fast talkers and to save stress on their hands. I’d like to see if the Tech Committee members have some good one-stroker briefs for some common phrases that come up during depositions on a regular basis.

Short ’n’ Sweet

Dear Short ’n’ Sweet,

Yes, the members of the committee feel strongly on writing short. So great question! Below are a few suggestions for briefs for phrases to get you started.

Happy briefing!

Alan Peacock, FAPR, RDR, CRR, CRC

I find myself phrasing more and more lately. I use the following left-hand phrase starters (LHPS) and then add my right-hand phrase enders (RHPE). For example LPHS: YO is I don’t. And RHPE “N” is know. So YON is I don’t know.

Here are some others: LHPS: GOI for going to; TRAO for try to; GRAO for trying to; DRAO for tried to; KB for because; BH for but. I have many others, but these are the ones that come up for me every day.

And then using your RHPEs, there are countless combinations that can help you write phrases quickly and accurately!

Another trick I use is to use the asterisk to reverse the word order. For example, I would write the phrase Would I say as WOIS. But if I throw in the asterisk (WO*IS), it’s I would say. You can use that for all phrases. It comes in handy!

Kim Greiner, RMR, CRR, CRC, RDR 

G-GT – going to

GAOBT – going to be

GAOUF – going to have 

GAOUFT – going to have to

GAOUFD – going to have to do

TE*M – tell me

HE*M – help me

LE*M – let me

LE*MD – let me hand

1-RZ – 1st

2-ND – 2nd

3-RD – 3rd

and so on.

2IRZ – 21st

and so on.

1OI – 1.<delete space>

 2OI – 2.<delete space>

and so on.

1* – 11th

12* – 12th

13* – 13th

and so on.

I use Catalyst Accelerwriter with an interrupted speaker macro: My stroke is R*P, which inserts the dashes for an interrupted question, answer, or colloquy.

Lynette Mueller, RDR, CRR, FAPR

My realtime goal is to always strive for 99.8 percent translation rate on every job. The prep work is essential to maintain or exceed that goal. My writing is constantly evolving. Writing short is paramount to the success of my translation rate, for keeping up with the fast talkers and, also, being kind to my body — specifically my back and hands. 

LEM – let me 

LOEM – let me know

PLOEM – please let me know

WLOEM – would you let me know

KLOEM – can you let me know

SLOEM – so let me know

GOI – going to

GOIB – going to be

GOIG – going to go

GOIGT – going to get

GOIM – going to make

GOIRM – going to mark

GOID – going to do

LU – will you

LUB – will you be

LUFL – will you feel

LUF – will you have

LUNT – will you not

LUP – will you please

LUPT – will you point

LUS – will you say

LUT – will you tell

LUTS – will you tell us

Lisa Knight, FAPR. RDR, CRR

So many briefs, so little time. Even after 35 years, I’m still trying to improve my writing! When I write shorter, I am less fatigued! Who doesn’t want that?

SWUD – as you sit here today

SWED – as we sit here today

SHERD – sitting here today