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iStenopad app available free until March 22

If you haven’t seen the new iPad app, don’t forget to check it out soon.  The special promotional code to download a free version will expire on March 22, 2019, and after that, it will cost $20.

StenoCAT returned this iPad app to the iTunes store by special request to support the NCRA A to ZTM program and alleviate the problem with a lack of machines for some participants.  It is a full-sized keyboard downloadable for an iPad only that can be loaded with a dictionary.  It displays steno notes and has a speed counter, and your students can scroll up and down to read their notes.  Many reporters and students are using it as an easy practice tool, too, to eliminate carrying a machine when they simply want to practice briefs or speed on the run. It comes with a speed counter and other options.

Please support their efforts to support A to ZTM by downloading the iStenopad gadget to your iPad.  We thank them for giving us a solution to the machine shortage in some areas. You can also download for $20 at any time with this link.

Until March 22, 2019, you can also call for a special code to download for free from the iTunes store.  For the limited-time free version code, please contact:

Viki McCrary – Sales and Customer Relations Manager

(949) 475-0312

or email