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Planning to test for an NCRA certification? Make sure you know about these changes

If you are plan to take a test for an NCRA certification, make sure that you have all of the most current information.

Preview words for online Skills Tests

Starting April 4, all RPR and RMR Skills Tests (SKT) will have preview words provided,
as they have been for the SKTs for the realtime certifications, the CRR and CRC.
Preview words are released prior to taking the test from the online Skills Test platform, and test candidates are expected to put the preview words in their dictionaries before starting the test. If a skills test has no preview words, candidates will receive a word list that will say “None.”

When to register for online Skills Tests

Starting in June, NCRA will move to a “block scheduling” cycle for online Skills Tests. Block scheduling should make registration easier and more efficient for test candidates. Registration will be open every other month, starting in June, with candidates registering in the first 20 days of the month. Test candidates will be able to choose their test day from the first 20 days of the month following the registration month. For the remainder of the year, the months for registering for the online Skills Tests will be June (for testing in July), August (for testing in September), October (for testing in November), and December (for testing in January 2020).

More information about the new block scheduling can be found online

New Job Analyses percentages incorporated into Written Knowledge Tests

Starting at the beginning of April, NCRA released new Job Analyses for the Written Knowledge Tests (WKTs) for the RPR (Registered Professional Reporter) and RDR (Registered Diplomate Reporter). The Job Analyses describe the domains, associated tasks, and knowledge essential for court reporters working in the field every day. The Job Analyses serve as the blueprint for the Written Knowledge Tests with the domain percentages equating to the number of questions in that area on the tests.

All RPR and RDR Written Knowledge Tests moving forward, including the April Written Knowledge Tests, to be held April 9-23, will be based on the new Job Analyses.