Did you miss it? Then don’t miss the chance to purchase the recorded NCRA Stenopalooza and Leadership Training webinars at the special price of $20 each for members and $25 each for nonmembers. When this special offer ends on Thursday, May 21, at midnight Eastern time, the webinars will only be available at regular pricing.
NCRA’s Stenopalooza and Leadership Training events drew hundreds of members to participate in this first online, all-day event put together by the Board of Directors. The recorded webinars capture the variety of inspiring and informative sessions, including how to succeed in today’s challenging business environment, how to shift your steno skills from court reporting to captioning, the latest in legal videography trends, and more.
The webinars are available to view for 30 days after purchase. To purchase the webinars or to learn more about the sessions, visit NCRA/Stenopalooza or NCRA Leadership Training. Purchase now and save before regular pricing goes into effect after May 21.