- Meet our NCRF Board of Trustees.
- Check out all Foundation fundraisers in one place on this landing page.
- Want to know more about our Foundation programs? Find them here.
- Your Angel Donor status is updated online. Please check the information we have posted about your years as a Foundation supporter. We will make all corrections ASAP: please email jlandsman@ncra.org with your changes.
- Help support Career Launcher, an online mentorship program where students can learn the fundamentals of basic deposition protocols and transcript preparation in 10 instructive modules. Donors of $25 or more receive a Career Launcher pin.
- Earn Professional Development Credit (PDC) for transcribing pre-recorded interviews and live testimonials through the Oral Histories Program, a partnership between NCRF and the Library of Congress.
- Read the NCRF Bylaws.
- See a list of all NCRF scholarships and grants for professionals and students here.
- Questions? Email Jill Parker Landsman, NCRF Manager, at jlandsman@ncra.org.