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Remembering Dom Tursi

Dom Tursi has passed away. He died too young, but what a legacy he left. I was privileged to know him and to count him as my friend. We talked in person many times, and we emailed each other frequently. On a few occasions, we would be speakers on the same day at various court reporting conventions and seminars, and we would have great heart-to-heart conversations. I will miss him, but much more importantly, the court reporting fraternity and sorority will miss him, too. He was a true friend of court reporters, and his volunteerism was legendary. Dom has helped students, neophytes, and even veteran reporters. 

I believe that his creation of The Gallery of Shorthand was perhaps the most important and finest thing that has ever happened to and for court reporters — and also for the many people who know little or nothing about shorthand. As an aside, his wife, Anneliese, and my wife, Josephine, are/were freelance court reporters; and she and Dom are the parents of four sons, as my wife and I are. Dom was kind enough to favor me with some of his writings, and I truly cherish those writings. All I can now say about Dom Tursi is that he is in our prayers.  

Dr. Santo “Joe” Aurelio, FAPR, RDR (Ret.), is a retired court reporter based in Arlington, Mass. He can be reached at