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The benefits of NCRA membership: “I have the ability to further my career…”

The winner of an NCRA membership giveaway is Laura Callihan, RPR, a court reporter from Southern California. Callihan won a $100 Amazon gift card this spring for joining the National Court Reporters Association.

“When I was in high school, I worked for an attorney who thought it would be a great career for me. I had ZERO interest at the time. In my late 20s, I had a girlfriend who was going to court reporting school and talked me into checking it out.” She went on to say, “I went to a school near me at the time to get information, and within three days I was attending class! It went that fast!”

“Because I am a worker in California, NCRA membership means I have the ability to further my career with additional certifications,” Callihan shared. “In addition to that, I am also able to utilize resources and continuing education that I wouldn’t otherwise have.”

NCRA aims to promote excellence among those who capture and convert the spoken word to text by setting national certification standards and assisting states seeking to establish certification or licensing requirements. Our members are a diverse group of dedicated individuals committed to the captioning, court reporting, and legal videography professions and include groups from students to teachers, lawyers, legal administrators, freelancers, and more.

Our mission remains the same: Commit to supporting every member in achieving the highest level of professional expertise from those considering entering this career field to those returning — and all in between. If you haven’t joined NCRA yet or need to renew your membership, consider doing so today.