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Writing in total and complete support of the proposed dues adjustment

By Sandy Narup

As a 30-plus-year member and a reporter certified by NCRA, I am writing in total and complete support of the proposed dues adjustment.  

As I am sure you have all already read, the increase is a nominal amount. It comes to about $4 a month or 4 percent of a one-hour per diem a month. We have not had a dues increase since 2020. It is time.

NCRA certifications mean so much to all of us, and I am extremely proud of mine. National certifications are recognized by attorneys, bar associations, and federal and state courts. They have opened many doors for our profession and enhanced our careers, whether we are certified or not. 

Other programs could also be affected if this increase is not passed. We all know that inflation is continually on the rise and that everything is going up, from groceries to fuel to you name it. In turn, we should increase our dues this minimal amount to keep NCRA vital and continuing to fight for all stenographers alike.

Having served on many, many state and national boards and committees, I understand and appreciate just how expensive conferences are to put on. Many conferences do not even break even, but they enable all of us to network, learn, and rejuvenate our minds to be even better stenographers than we were yesterday. The conferences as well as some of the programs and tests they put on could be jeopardized without this increase. I would hate to see this happen.

Dues adjustment key

A vital point to note is that student dues will not be changed at all as it should be. I remember those days many, many moons ago. Our students need the Association just as much as we do. All of the offerings from NCRA only help to forward them to their end goal, joining us in the workforce. But there are so many added benefits for the students since I was in school, i.e., Career Launcher for one, and so many grants and scholarships, etc.

So in closing, please join me in supporting this dues increase by voting yes.

Find more information on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal

Voting on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal will begin within two hours of the Annual Business Meeting taking place on Aug. 1 in conjunction with the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo.

Learn more about the proposal.

Sandy Narup, RPR, is a freelance court reporter based in Apopka, Fla. She can be reached at