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TRAIN groups and future vision highlight National Committee of State Associations meeting

NCRA members Lisa Knight, RMR, CRR, and Sue Terry, RPR, CRR, encouraged attendees at the National Committee of State Associations (NCSA) meeting during NCRA’s 2014 Convention & Expo, being held July 31 – Aug. 3 at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square, to create a TRAIN (Taking Realtime Awareness and Innovation Nationwide) Committee in each of their states. Knight, a freelance reporter from Littleton, Colo., serves as co-chair of NCRA’s TRAIN Task Force, and Terry, a freelance reporter from Springfield, Ohio, serves as a committee member and as a member of NCRA’s Board of Directors.

During their presentation, Knight and Terry provided tips to assist state TRAIN Committees to establish groups, including suggestions about where groups could meet, how often they should meet, information they could share, and they provided several resources including information about materials housed on Dropbox, NCRA’s TRAIN webpage, and NCRA’s YouTube channel.

Terry suggested that groups could meet in a courthouse, an agency conference room, a court reporting school classroom, a coffee shop, a library, or in someone’s home.

“Groups can be fun as members work together to find solutions, improve their skills, share gadgets, develop camaraderie, and be as simple as meeting at someone’s home for a potluck,” Terry said.

“The ability to offer realtime sets up apart. It differentiates us,” she added.

The meeting, which drew representatives from 39 NCRA affiliates as well as 80 delegates and alternates, also included presentations by Jim Cudahy, NCRA CEO, about the vision for NCSA in the future, an overview of the industry outlook report set for release on Friday, Aug. 1 at a special Convention session, an update on NCRA testing, the status of the Interstate Oath Act, and breakout sessions.