Currently resides in: Medford, Wis.
Position: Official court reporter
Member since: 1989
Graduated from: Rasmussen Business College
Theory: Stenograph
Why did you decide to become a court reporter?
After I decided a career in musical theater was too uncertain for me, I searched for something that was interesting, challenging, and rewarding. That is when I learned about court reporting from a family friend.
What book are you reading right now?
My very favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Currently I am reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I have Vivian Spitz’s book, Doctors from Hell, and I look forward to reading it.
What advice or tips would you offer to new reporters?
My best tip for new reporters is to join their state and national associations and become involved. Membership and participation in a professional association is a fabulous place to find a mentor, to discover the opportunities our career presents, to learn and to benefit from the experience of those who have been reporting for a number of years, and to make lifelong friends. Many of my best friends are friends I have made because I volunteered.
Did you overcome a challenge in your career? Could you tell us about that experience?
When I was appointed as an official, I took over the position of a reporter who was and is one of the best realtime writers I have ever seen. When I stepped into her shoes, I had been doing realtime only for a few years and only for myself. Now I had to provide it for others. Thankfully the judge gave me a few weeks to get my feet wet, but there were no ifs, ands, or buts, I would be sending realtime.
The only way to get over my fear was to work hard and to just jump in and do it, and that is what I did. Realtime is a living and evolving phenomenon. It is often challenging but also rewarding. Am I perfect now? Oh, no. In my dreams! I keep working at it though, and I am proud of the job I do.
Favorite briefs
I wish I could say that I came up with some of my favorite briefs, but many of these I collected from friends.
Psychotropic medication STROEPGS
Are you aware RAUR
Were you aware WRAUR
Is it fair to say ST-FRTS
Is that fair to say STHAFRTS
Would it be fair to say WOFRTS
Termination of parental rights TERP
Text message T*EM
Text messages T*EMS
Text messaged T*EMD
Text messaging T*EMG