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Currently resides in: Brooklyn, New York

Position: Official reporter, Kings County

Member since: 1999

Graduated from: South Coast College of Court Reporting, Anaheim, Calif.

Favorite briefs: SPAG (Special Agent)

N-FT (informant)

K-FT (confidential informant)

K-FS (confidential source)

POD (purposes of disposition)

F-LT (field test)

F-B (Facebook)

EP (especially)

UFT (unfortunate)

UFL (unfortunately)

VA add the G, S, D (vacate)

How did you learn about the career?

I grew up with my parents telling us over and over that you must have a skill — whether you’re a doctor, plumber, or court reporter. I wasn’t interested in a traditional four-year college and so opened the yellow pages under trade school. There was court reporting. Years earlier my father attempted adult night school for court reporting, and I had an ancient (even then!) LaSalle machine in the garage. So I went the next day to the school and signed up.

What has been your best work experience so far in your career?

I currently work as an official in criminal court. But for the 15 years prior, I worked in federal grand jury in the Southern District of New York (i.e., Manhattan). We covered every major case that hit the papers. I worked on real-life, Jason Bourne-esque assassination cases; every Mafia family in the tri-state area; the largest securities fraud schemes in the United States; takedowns of huge drug cartels flying commercial aircraft of cocaine; and 30-defendant indictments of gang members.

I met people from all federal agencies and interesting witnesses. This by far was the highlight of my career … so far.

What was your biggest hurdle to overcome?

When I first started working doing freelance, I was new to New York City. I was getting lost going to my jobs every day; it was so stressful. And the work was intense medicals, which was not my strong point. A few months into that, my office mentioned working for federal grand jury. I went through the paperwork to be cleared and started my new journey. That’s when I found my niche. I loved criminal and being in the same place (and not carrying my equipment). And so I tell reporters who are not happy in their current position to find another area/branch of reporting that works for them.

What surprised you about your career and why?

How proud I am to be a reporter.

What do you consider your greatest professional accomplishment?

Although I’m very proud of my RMR, when I got that passed notice for the RPR years before, that was a huge day for me.

Do you have a favorite gadget or tool?

I’m not very technical, but I love doing realtime and using realtime. I think it’s important to have your software current. I always write realtime and test myself daily to get the untranslate rate as low as possible

Is there something personal you would like to share?

I am very proud that my husband and I raised and are raising our five kids (from 9 to 20 years of age) all while having a great career. Also, I have a hobby of designing and painting interiors of houses and furniture, starting with my own — and making my house a place that reflects me.