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Help us get a Google doodle for Court Reporting & Captioning Week

Image by Z Jason
Image by Z Jason

The NCRA New Professionals Committee is submitting a proposal to Google to get a stenographic-related doodle during Court Reporting & Captioning Week, and they need your help! Members are encouraged to submit their own proposal. A template is below:


On behalf of the 16,000 stenographic court reporters and captioners we represent, the National Court Reporters Association requests a court reporting doodle while we celebrate Court Reporting & Captioning Week 2017 (Feb. 11-18).

Court reporters and captioners are grammar geeks and tech wizards. They can write 225+ wpm with 95% accuracy in phonetic shorthand using a keyboard with only 24 keys and a number bar. They are responsible for creating the official transcript of a trial or deposition and ensuring communication access to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

[Court reporters and captioners: Feel free to insert 1-3 concise sentences here about why you personally think Google should have a court-reporting doodle.]

A doodle would be a great way to celebrate people in a unique profession who are largely working behind the scenes but whose work touches millions of people every day. Please send questions to

Court reporters and captioners can submit the proposal to