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Court reporters practice group attends NFL game in Philadelphia

(Left to right) Dineen Squillante, RPR; Traci Mertens, RDR, CRR, CRC; Sue Ehrlich Alldridge, RPR; Allie Hall, RDR, CRR; Jennifer Billstein-Miller, RMR, CRR; and Kelli Ann Willis, RPR, CRR, in Philadelphia, Pa.

NCRA member Traci Mertens, RDR, CRR, CRC, of Alexandria, Va., recently organized a group of five colleagues from her 100-day Challenge Practice Group to attend the Oct. 3 football game between the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles. The practice group is led by Rich Germosen, RDR, CRR, a freelancer and agency owner from North Brunswick, N.J., who shared the story with the JCR Weekly to emphasize the friendship and camaraderie of court reporters both in and out of the workplace.

“Being a part of Rich’s practice group has been a godsend to me,” said Kelli Ann Willis, RPR, CRR, an official from Dallas, Texas, who went on to credit the group for helping her pass her Texas CSR certification and part of the RMR exam. “I recently hit 1500 days of practice; the support was overwhelming.”

While Kansas City was triumphant over Philadelphia, a good time was had by all. When asked if any of the longtime Eagles fans in their group had any stories or experiences with Philadelphia’s infamous “Judge” or courtroom in the team’s previous stadium, none of them could say they had.