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Five amendments pass by vote of the membership; dues increase fails

The NCRA Annual Business Meeting was held Thursday, July 27, at the Hyatt Regency Houston Downtown. Members who were not able to attend the meeting in person were able to follow the discussions via live caption or review them after the fact via the transcript that was posted to the website. As provided for in the Bylaws, all NCRA Voting Members were able to vote online. Voting closed at 12:45 p.m. Eastern, July 28.

This year five amendments to the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws were proposed. The full text of all the amendments was published for all members in the JCR and is available online. The total number of voters was 1,431 (15.2%) of 9,435 electors.

Amendment #1 would increase the number of committee members on the Nominating Committee from four (4) to eight (8). The amendment was voted in by 1,014 (78.1%) for to 284 (26.1%) against.

Amendment #2 relates to the process for nomination of members to the NCRA Board of Directors. The amendment was voted in by 1,019 (87.8%) for to 141 (12.2%) against.

Amendment #3 clarifies the language about the slate of nominees to create more collegiality. The amendment was voted in by 932 (78.1%) for to 262 (21.9%) against.

Amendment #4 streamlines the procedure to better meet publication and notification deadlines. The amendment was voted in by 1082 (87.7%) for to 152 (12.3%) against.

Amendment #5 would eliminate the practice of the election of directors except by online means. The amendment was voted in by 1,092 (90.9%) for to 109 (9.1%) against.

To pass, Bylaws amendments must receive at least two-thirds (2/3) affirmation by the Voting Members who voted by electronic means.  

The proposed dues increase, which required a simple majority to pass, failed with 1,039 (73.9%) voting against and 367 (26.1%) voting for.