In the most recent installment of the Steno Matters podcast, NCRA President Kristin Anderson, M.A., RPR, FCRR, hosted a discussion with Kensie Benoit, an official from San Antonio, Texas; Denee Vadell, RPR, an official from the Bronx, N.Y.; and “Realtime” Rich Germosen, FAPR, RDR, CRR, a freelance reporter from North Brunswick, N.J. The conversation revolved around strategies to recruit people into and promote the stenographic profession.
Benoit shared her success with offering the NCRA A to Z® Intro to Steno Machine Shorthand program, emphasizing the importance of providing resources and signage to prospective court reporters. Anderson highlighted the significance of social media platforms and personal stories to attract and inspire potential candidates. Vadell introduced the concept of the Modern Steno Movement, which aims to modernize the profession’s image and promote it through visual content and personal narratives. And Germosen, who has more than three decades of experience in the field, shared his insights on the profession and his use of social media to promote court reporting and captioning.