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NCRA to introduce enhancements to main website

In the following weeks, NCRA members will notice some enhancements to the navigation look and structure of the NCRA website, all aimed at elevating your browsing experience. These changes stem from our ongoing commitment to improving user satisfaction, driven by extensive web analysis and user testing. As a result, you will witness a revamped navigation layout designed to streamline your journey through the site.

Please be aware that some pages will have relocated within the structure. If you have bookmarked specific pages, there is a chance you might encounter a “page not found” message as a result of these shifts. We highly encourage utilizing our search feature to easily locate the content you are seeking.

The website homepage will also undergo a slight update in layout, ensuring a more user-friendly interface that aligns with your needs and preferences.

For any inquiries or assistance during this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out to our web team at Your feedback and questions are invaluable to us!

NCRA’s website management team appreciates your patience and support as we strive to enhance your browsing experience on the website.