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New equipment insurance provider selected

AMBA, the benefits broker that oversees your member insurance benefits program, has announced the selection of a new insurance company to underwrite our Equipment Insurance Protection program. In an announcement to program subscribers, AMBA said it will continue to function as the program administrator and will be available to assist NCRA members with the application, quote, and policy binding process once the new carrier is ready to provide quotes.

Recently, NCRA members who carried equipment protection insurance through AMBA were notified that their coverage had been discontinued due to a recent decision by AIG, the insurance carrier, to terminate its insurance program.

More details will be coming in the JCR Weekly, and AMBA will be contacting current subscribers via email and regular mail. Questions can be directed to AMBA at or by calling 1-800-503-9230.

For additional information, you can also visit the NCRA Insurance program AMBA benefits page.