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Why your vote matters: A stark look at NCRA’s dues adjustment

In any national association, the collective decisions made by its members are essential in shaping the organization’s future. As the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) marks its 125 years of service, one such crucial decision facing its membership is the passing of a proposal adjusting its annual dues by $50. The outcome of this vote will significantly impact the Association’s ability to maintain and improve the services it offers to its members and the efficiency with which it operates.

First and foremost, voting on this proposal is an opportunity for members to directly influence the financial health of our Association. A well-funded NCRA will be better equipped to continue the level of services, support, and resources our members are accustomed to. By voting to adjust dues, members are ensuring that the Association has the resources it needs to continue its mission and effectively serve the court reporting, professional captioning, and legal videography communities.

If this referendum does not pass, NCRA will be forced to reexamine the resources and support for members, ultimately undermining the effectiveness of the Association. For example, NCRA might have to reduce the frequency of member events, cut back on student-oriented programs, or limit access to professional development resources. These cutbacks could harm members’ ability to safeguard and advance in their careers.

Dues adjustment key

In addition to service reductions, a failure to adopt the proposed dues adjustment could also lead to an increase in staff-related project turnaround time. With fewer resources, NCRA’s staff may struggle to keep up with the demands of their workload, resulting in delays and inefficiencies. This could affect everything from the timely processing of certification results to the organization of annual conferences and other events and more.

Voting yes on NCRA’s dues adjustment is a critical decision that will directly impact the services and support members receive — all for the cost of 13.7 cents a day. If this proposal does not pass, the consequences will be far-reaching. It is vital that members take the time to vote and consider the long-term implications of their decision for both NCRA and their professional careers.

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Find more information on the 2025 Dues adjustment proposal

Voting on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal will begin within two hours of the Annual Business Meeting taking place on Aug. 1 in conjunction with the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo. Learn more about the proposal.