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April recruitment winner has “opened doors previously closed to me”

Congratulations to Ned O’Brien, a legal videographer from Chicago, Ill., who won a $100 Amazon gift card through NCRA’s April membership drive contest. “What an exciting surprise! And great timing, as I just completed my CLVS Production Exam, and I think it went great,” said O’Brien.

O’Brien has been shooting in-person and remote depositions for about six years and decided that now is the time to get accredited as a CLVS. “I now only wish I had taken the plunge earlier as I’m already seeing what being a part of the NCRA community can do. I have begun creating my own firms in Chicago and Colorado, and I attribute this dream becoming a reality to the training, accreditation, and networking that is provided by NCRA,” he says. “I’m excited to begin this new chapter as a CLVS and as an active member of NCRA.”

Once O’Brien passes the last portion of the CLVS requirements, he’ll be able to add those four letters to the end of his name and join an elite group of videographers.

It wasn’t just the lure of winning an Amazon gift card that convinced O’Brien to join NCRA. The Association’s reputation and nationwide network were draws as well. “I believe that through becoming an NCRA member, I’ve opened doors that were previously closed to me. The types of clients and firms that I would like to work with will understand that I am serious about the profession and committed to practicing under the industry standards and guidelines,” he added. “Furthermore, I have already benefited from connecting with the nationwide community that is NCRA. I am excited to continue my journey as a Certified Legal Video Specialist and member of NCRA.” 

It shouldn’t take long for O’Brien to get caught up with everything NCRA has to offer its members. NCRA provides new members with a lot of onboarding support. Each month they receive a “New Member” email with information about NCRA programs, continuing education, discounted member benefits, insurance offerings, certification, and more. See a full list of member benefits here.

NCRA continues its membership promotion this spring. New members who join in the month of May are eligible to win an Amazon gift card worth $100. If you would like to invite a colleague to join NCRA, you can send them to NCRA’s membership site