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Vote yes for a reasonable amount of change

A recent decision by the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) Board of Directors to introduce a dues adjustment of $50 has sparked some discussion among its members. While any change in cost of membership may initially seem unwelcome, a closer look reveals that this decision would not be as burdensome as it first appears.

First, it’s important to consider the context of the increase. Since the last dues adjustment was put in place in January 2020, NCRA has grown in its wide range of responsibilities at the urging of the membership, from providing resources and support to student programs to lobbying and advocacy for the interests of the court reporting, professional captioning, and legal videography communities. All these activities require funding, and membership dues are a primary source of that funding.

The $50 dues adjustment could be seen as a reflection of NCRA’s efforts not just to improve services or address rising costs in areas like staffing, technology, or legal support, but to maintain them to continue delivering the same level of service members demand.

Dues adjustment key

When compared to the overall cost of membership, a $50 adjustment is not a significant amount. Members will be investing just 13.7 cents more per day directly into NCRA if they vote yes for this proposal. This modest investment is not a dramatic change. It’s worth noting that NCRA members derive significant value from their membership, whether that’s in the form of professional development, programs developed by the National Court Reporters Foundation, or advocacy for the profession.

This dues adjustment will reflect the Association’s commitment to both maintain and improve its services while addressing rising costs. When compared to the overall cost of membership and the value derived from it compared to the industry standard for profession-related associations, this specific adjustment is not only long overdue, but also reasonable. Your vote of support is your commitment to the future of NCRA.

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Find more information on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal

Voting on the 2025 dues adjustment proposal will begin within two hours of the Annual Business Meeting taking place on Aug. 1 in conjunction with the 2024 NCRA Conference & Expo. Learn more about the proposal.