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Declare your candidacy by June 8 for vacant Director seat

Article VIII of the NCRA Constitution and Bylaws allows for a special election in the event of a vacancy in a director or officer position. The 60-day petition window for additional nominations to the office of Secretary-Treasurer has now passed. Director Stacey Potenza, CRC, who was slated by the Nominating Committee for the office of Secretary-Treasurer, will automatically assume the position of Secretary-Treasurer during the Annual Business meeting on August 1. A vacancy has now been created on the Board of a single one-year Director term. 

NCRA is now seeking candidates to fill this one-year Director position. If you wish to be considered for this one-year Director position on the NCRA Board of Directors, please visit the NCRA Election Center for more information on the application process. The signed petition letter and the required twenty-five (25) signatures to get on the ballot are due by Saturday, June 8, 2024. Upon receipt of the signed letter and the verification of candidacy, NCRA will provide the candidate a link to the online form for obtaining the required (twenty-five) 25 voting-member signatures.

In the event there is more than one candidate qualified for the open Director position, a ballot shall be prepared listing the names, by lot, of all nominees. To make sure you receive all emails related to this election, please make sure that your email address is correct in your NCRA record by June 17. Members voting by electronic mail or other authorized means of electronic transmission for the special election will have a period of 24 hours to vote once the online voting period begins.