Serving on the NCRA Board of Directors is an excellent opportunity to use your leadership skills to help advance the premier organization that continues to…
Posts tagged as “NCRA Board”
Nominations are now being accepted for the Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters, the NCRA Board of Directors, and the Distinguished Service Award. Now…
On Sept. 3, The Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Ind.) announced the election of NCRA member Tonya Kaiser, RPR, CMRS, to the NCRA Board of Directors.…
The Monroe County Post reported on Aug. 30 that Meredith Bonn, RPR, of Webster, N.Y., was elected to serve a three-year term on the Board…
Like most professions, court reporting is a world unto itself. We are a tight-knit community of freelancers, officials, captioners, and the like, all bound together…
NCRA’s Board of Directors addressed a number of issues when it met Nov. 8-9 in Vienna, Va. The board received updates on the Vision for…
NCRA Board of Director nominations are now open. NCRA is in the process of selecting qualified candidates to serve as officers and directors for 2014…
HERE’S YOUR CHANCE Help lead the Association dedicated to advancing the court reporting and captioning professions. Join us for a Q&A webinar session on Tuesday,…
One of the most important and rewarding duties of a member of the NCRA Board of Directors is the opportunity to attend state affiliate conventions.…
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 9, 2013 — The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), the country’s leading organization representing stenographic court reporters and captioners, today announced that…
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – NCRA’s Board of Directors met at the association’s 2013 Convention & Expo being held Aug. 8-11 in Nashville, Tenn., and made significant…
Last November, Heidi C. Thomas, RDR, CRR, a member of NCRA’s Board of Directors, boarded a plane armed with her equipment case and steno machine.…