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Learn how to “Solve realtime problems your way” in the July issue of the JCR

Be sure to look for the feature article “Solve realtime problems your way,” in the upcoming issue of the JCR. The piece offers advice about solving various tech problems that might occur in the courtroom or in the deposition conference room gathered from a survey of NCRA members who have passed the Realtime Systems Administrator test and illustrates that solutions to the same issue can often vary from reporter to reporter.

One of the situations posed in the survey includes: “The reporter is hooking up to two attorneys via serial. One feed is fine, but the other is not receiving any text.”

Responses ranged from checking that the cable is plugged in to rebooting to making sure there are no kinks or knots in the wires.

Full coverage of the responses to the above scenario and more appear in the July issue of the JCR. For more information about NCRA’s Realtime Systems Administrator program, visit the NCRA website. Attending the NCRA Convention & Expo in San Francisco? Be sure to check out the Realtime Resource Booth to book a one-on-one session with one of the Association’s realtime experts for solutions to your realtime problems.