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Posts published in December 2017

What does it take to get new attendees?

NCRA was mentioned in the December issue of Associations Now in an article about attracting new attendees to conferences and conventions. The article cited NCRA’s…

On linguistics, Seinfeld, and juror engagement

The differences between written and spoken language were explored in a blog post by Cleveland Reporting Partners, with examples from Seinfeld and My Cousin Vinny.…

2018 nominations sought; deadlines near

Nominations are now being accepted for the Fellows of the Academy of Professional Reporters, the NCRA Board of Directors, and the Distinguished Service Award. Now…

TechLinks: Best gadgets of 2017

Who doesn’t love finding that perfect gadget that makes things so much easier? Robin Nodland, FAPR, RDR, CRR, a freelancer from Portland, Ore., and a…