LearnToCaption.com offers Translation Tune-Up for court reporters April 17, 2018 LearnToCaption.com is now offering Translation Tune-Up, a webinar and a half hour of one-on-one training to help court reporters learn to cut editing time in half. Read more. Published in Captioning, How-to's, News, Products & Services, Realtime and Reporting More from CaptioningMore posts in Captioning »From Gregg to CoachellaFrom Gregg to CoachellaAccess Virginia: Celebrating a decade of accessibility and inclusionAccess Virginia: Celebrating a decade of accessibility and inclusionNCRA reviews FCC rulings requiring telecom providers to accommodate incarcerated persons with disabilitiesNCRA reviews FCC rulings requiring telecom providers to accommodate incarcerated persons with disabilitiesGreen River College prioritizes accessibilityGreen River College prioritizes accessibilityFrom Court to CART: The Dream Team of CART delivered!From Court to CART: The Dream Team of CART delivered!More from How-to'sMore posts in How-to's »What is your password?What is your password?TECH TIPS: Updates are important!TECH TIPS: Updates are important!Make the most of macrosMake the most of macrosUgh! Robocalls!Ugh! Robocalls!Five quick ways to earn CEUsFive quick ways to earn CEUsMore from NewsMore posts in News »WORKING ABROAD: Land of the ChamorroWORKING ABROAD: Land of the ChamorroFrom Gregg to CoachellaFrom Gregg to CoachellaTraveling this holiday season? Be sure to make plans to keep your connectivity as safe as you areTraveling this holiday season? Be sure to make plans to keep your connectivity as safe as you are“I trust NCRA … now more than ever”The history of passwords from ancient times to todayThe history of passwords from ancient times to todayMore from Products & ServicesMore posts in Products & Services »TECH TIPS: The most valuable tool of the trade: The steno writerTECH TIPS: The most valuable tool of the trade: The steno writerTech Committee members share their favorite Black Friday dealsTech Committee members share their favorite Black Friday dealsStenograph introduces CATalyst Version 21.5 at NCRA Conference & ExpoAsk the Techie: Do you need a new chair?News from STARtech 19More from RealtimeMore posts in Realtime »ASK THE TECHIE: My computer keeps freezing up when I close the fileASK THE TECHIE: My computer keeps freezing up when I close the fileNCRA STRONG: Are your deposition transcripts falling short of the promise of being true and accurate? Start by looking at the certificate pageNCRA STRONG: Are your deposition transcripts falling short of the promise of being true and accurate? Start by looking at the certificate pageRecognizing Deaf History MonthRecognizing Deaf History MonthCaptioning Committee shares latest on Microsoft Teams captioningAsk a Techie: Secure realtime testimony when using iPads in the courtroomMore from ReportingMore posts in Reporting »What is stenography and why is it important in law?The perfect prescriptionZoom to the futureRegistration is now open for the Registered Skilled Reporter Skills TestsNew Professional Profile: Bethany Glover