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Nominate someone special to be CASE Educator of the Year or a Fellow of the Academy of Professional Reporters

Now is the time to recognize someone special! Every year, NCRA offers members several opportunities to bring attention to the people who are contributing to the profession in important ways. The Council on Approved Student Education (CASE) is seeking nominees for Educator of the Year, and the Council of the Academy of Professional Reporters (CAPR) wishes to recognize court reporters and captioners who have made significant contributions to the professions. CASE and CAPR are committees supported by NCRA.  

CASE Educator of the YearThis special award is for a court reporting instructor. Was there someone special who inspired you, who got you through the ups, downs, and plateaus of your court reporting classes? If your teacher was an incredible influence in your getting started, now is the time to say thank you by nominating that special someone for the CASE Educator of the Year Award. Nominations close April 1.

Fellow of the Academy of Professional ReportersIf you know a dedicated court reporter or captioner who has contributed to the profession in a big way over the years, nominate that person as a Fellow. Candidates must be active practitioners in the field and have at least 10 years of experience. Criteria for nomination include the publication of important papers, legislative or creative contributions to the field, and service on committees or boards. Nominations close April 1.