NCRA’s Celebrate Certification Month resource page has an array of items members can use to help celebrate their certifications and showcase their high-level skills to current and potential customers and clients, like our new certification and occupation cards.
Members can download the two-sided cards and print them on Avery brand perforated business card paper available at office supply stores. The cards are laid out with 10 to fit on one sheet of paper. They measure three-and-one-half inches wide by two inches tall. The cards are designed to help members creatively share with others more information about what they do and what their certifications mean.
Celebrate Certification Month Business Cards
There are two versions of these cards that feature either ‘May is Celebrate Certification Month’ or ‘Celebrate Certification Month’ artwork with the website on the front side and two customizable reverse sides that read ‘Are you certified’ or ‘Ask me about my NCRA certification’.
Certification Specific Cards
Certification-specific business cards can be used all yearlong not just during the month of May. Downloadable cards include the RPR, RMR, RDR, CRR, CRC, and the CLVS. The backside of each card includes information about what the certification means and what it takes to earn it. The cards are also customizable. Each of these can be found at the Celebrate Certification Month resource page under the heading Professional Cards.
Occupational Business Cards
Like the certification specific business cards, these cards can also be downloaded and used throughout the year. The front side of these cards include CART provider, Freelance Court Reporter, Legal Videographer, Legislative Court Reporter, Official Court Reporter, and Legislative Court Reporter. The reverse side card includes information about salary potential, a job description, and the required education needed to enter the field. In addition, these can be customized with the user’s name and contact information or be printed with the DiscoverSteno site for more information. Each of these can be found at the Celebrate Certification Month resource page under the heading Professional Cards.
The idea for the cards was the result of similar occupational cards shared with NCRA by Linda C. Larson, RPR, CRI a freelance court reporter firm owner from Carlisle, Pa., and President-Elect of the Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association (PCRA). Larson said the idea came from a gubernatorial candidate who visited a committee she serves on with her local chamber of commerce. The candidate shared a pack of career cards that featured workforce careers such as different types of engineers, welding, pipefitting, and more.
“When I saw the cards, I thought of court reporting. PCRA has been putting a lot of effort into marketing court reporting to potential students, and I envisioned creating cards with Realtime Broadcast Captioner, CART Reporter, Legislative Reporter, Freelance Reporter, and Official Court Reporter, showcasing the five different types of court reporters,” said Larson.
“As President-Elect of PCRA, I shared the idea for the cards at the next Board meeting and showed them. The Board was enthusiastic about creating some of our own. I was then appointed as the Chairman of the Baseball Card Committee.”
Larson said the committee sought models for the different cards, secured the information for the back sides and then worked with a local print shop to create them. The cards were packed in packs and were officially distributed to members at PCRA’s convention held in April.
“There was quite a bit of interest in the cards,” Larson said. The packets of cards she distributed will be going to career fairs and to individuals interested in learning more about careers in court reporting and captioning.
“I’ve been carrying the cards with me when I work and handing them out to people who show interest in court reporting. Pennsylvania is divided into eight districts, and we have a district director on the board in each area that will also be distributing the cards,” Larson added.
A reminder to NCRA members who want to mark the 2019 Celebrate Certification Month by working toward earning one, from now through May 15, members can save when they register for RPR, RMR, CRR, or CRC skills tests. There’s no better time than certification month to earn a nationally recognized professional certification from NCRA to boost your skills and your career potential. During the special rate offering, students taking the RPR Skills Test will pay $65 for each leg, while members will pay $80 for each RPR or RMR Skills Test leg. In addition, members can take advantage of a discounted price of $180 for the CRR or CRC Skills Tests, while students will pay only $150 for a CRC Skills Test.
Throughout the entire month of May, members can also save an additional 10 percent on all purchases from the NCRA Store when they use the special savings code MAY10.
Be sure to visit the Celebrate Certification Month resource page to choose from the many downloadable materials designed to help NCRA celebrate their certifications.
For more information about the 2019 Celebrate Certification Month, contact pr@ncra.org. Share with NCRA how you celebrate the month by sending information to pr@ncra.org.