Be sure to mark your calendars and register now for the April virtual Town Hall with President Jason T. Meadors, FAPR, RPR, CRR, CRC, scheduled for Saturday, April 15 at 11 a.m. Eastern. Hear firsthand the latest on what’s happening inside NCRA and learn more about what your membership in the Association can do for you.
In this month’s Town Hall, President Meadors will provide an update on a number of topics including the Indiana Rule Amendment as well as his insights into the 2023 Leadership & Legislative Boot Camp that took place in February.
He will also talk about upcoming events including volunteer month, Celebrate Certification Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, and the 2023 NCRA Conference & Expo taking place July 27-30 in Houston, Texas, and more.
In addition to keeping members informed about the latest in news and initiatives from the Association, the NCRA virtual Town Hall meetings offer members the opportunity to ask questions via the Q&A feature. Members can also catch up on previous Town Halls by clicking here. Only NCRA members may attend the Town Halls.
Why wait? Register now!