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Make an investment in yourself in May during Celebrate Certification Month

Take part in NCRA’s eighth Celebrate Certification Month this May and share with customers, clients, and potential clients the importance of working with professionals who hold nationally recognized certifications, or take this opportunity to plan to earn those letters you’ve always wanted behind your name.

Professional certifications are clear indicators that the people who hold them are committed to their chosen paths and believe that taking the extra time to earn them is worth it. Certification gives people seeking specific services a way to recognize that someone meets the standard level or higher of skills for performing a particular job with the best quality possible.

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Repeatedly, NCRA members have said that earning a professional certification is one of the greatest investments they’ve ever made in themselves as they strive to deliver the highest quality of products and services possible to their clients.

“Earning my RPR was not only a highlight of my professional career, but the letters behind my name also serve to remind me each day of my commitment to excellence in what I do and that that excellence is recognized by those I work with and serve,” said NCRA President Kristin. M. Anderson, RPR, M.A., FCRR, an official court reporter from Denton, Texas.

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“I encourage everyone to participate in Celebrate Certification Month whether it is committing to earning a new certification, sharing with others why the certifications you hold are so important to you, or encouraging a colleague to go for that certification they have always talked about earning,” she added.

To help members celebrate throughout May, NCRA has made available a special resource page full of an array of materials such as a press release template, suggested social media posts, email signatures, the official logo, CART and certification fliers, fillable certification business cards and career business cards, and more.

Share with NCRA how you celebrate the month by sending your story to or posting on social media using #NCRAcertified.