NCRA has issued a call for presentations for its 2020 Convention & Expo. NCRA is seeking presentations for the largest gathering of captioners and court reporters in the United States.
“I have so enjoyed my opportunities to present at past NCRA conferences,” says Mike Hensley, RDR, of Dublin, Calif., who co-chairs NCRA’s Education Content Committee. “It’s a great way to share your often hard-won experience and pass the lessons on to the next generation of court reporters.”
The committee is looking for topics that would be of interest to working court reporters, captioners, and legal videographers. Popular topics include realtime, ethics, technology, brief-writing systems, captioning best practices, and the latest in videography. Past speakers have noted that giving presentations has benefited their careers, helped them to meet new people, and helped them build networks within the NCRA community. Click here to read about a first-time presenter.
“The Committee is always on the look-out for new ideas, and we would welcome your suggestions to this call for presentations,” says Hensley. “Past topics have ranged from punctuation and steno briefs exchanges to tips and tricks on realtime upgrades and the latest in gadgets and gizmos.”
Click here for more information or to submit a topic for consideration. The deadline to submit topics and speakers is Jan. 24, 2020.