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Posts published in July 2016

Old-fashioned court reporter?

A blog posted by Kramm Court Reporting on July 19 addresses how the court reporting profession has changed over the years in regards to how…

TechLinks: Keeping your information secure

NCRA’s Technology Committee rounded up a group of tech-related articles about keeping your computer files and other information secure, an ever-increasing concern in a world…

Successful depositions

A blog post by Suzanne Quinson of Planet Depos picked up July 12 by JD Supra Business Advisor offers three important steps court reporters can…

TRAIN: No fear! Getting past realtime roadblocks

What’s preventing you from providing realtime? The Technology Subcommittee asked realtime providers through the TRAIN program for their best tips in getting past the roadblocks and into the groove.…

Captioning at conferences

A June 24 blog post by Toby Osbourn discussed the value of having captioning at conferences for a variety of attendees. The post was prompted…