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Six amendments pass by vote of the membership

Six of the seven proposed NCRA Constitution & Bylaws amendments passed by a vote of the membership on Friday, Aug. 16, following the NCRA Annual Business Meeting, which was held in conjunction with the NCRA 2019 Convention & Expo. Voting Members had the opportunity to vote during a 24-hour period following the Business Meeting. Amendment #4, which addressed succession, was withdrawn during the Annual Business Meeting.

Members were able to view a live stream of the event; a transcript was made available following the meeting. The total number of voters was 855 (7.6%) of 11,233 electors.

Amendment #1 would allow membership reinstatements to be either written or verbal requests. The amendment was voted in by 799 (94.9%) for to 43 (5.1%) against.

Amendment #2 addressed the requirements for reinstatement for Registered Member. The amendment was voted in by 776 (94.2%) for to 48 (5.8%) against.

Amendment #3 addressed how to handle the proration of dues. The amendment was voted in by 595 (90.4%) for to 63 (9.6%) against.

Amendment #5 was brought forward for vote because there was an inconsistency about the Nominating Committee Meeting. The amendment was voted in by 768 (98.1%) for to 15 (1.9%) against.

Amendment #6 asks membership to change the name of the National Committee of State Associations to the National Congress of State Associations. The amendment was voted in by 665 (88.4%) for to 87 (11.6%) against.

Amendment #7, which was proposed by a group of members in accordance with the Constitution & Bylaws, addresses the requirements on state associations. The amendment was voted in by 565 (73.5%) for to 204 (26.5%) against.

The full language of the amendments can be found on the NCRA website. The certified results can also be found on the NCRA website.