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Posts published in “Getting Through School”

What can a mentorship do for you?

I often hear fellow students remark that they want to find a mentor. Some of them have asked me how I found mine, and they…

Becoming a steno master

My work as a court reporting instructor inspires me to always be on the lookout for ways to reach students, to pro­mote steno skills, to…

Why tracking progress works

At some point, every court reporting student is asked to read back everything they write, practice the challenging words and briefs in an effort to…

Questions for prospective students

As a long-time educator and personal coach, I have been curious about what characteristics make the perfect candidate for court reporting school. Many people buy…

From the trainers: Ready, begin

Last week, while attending a state court reporting convention, I was speaking with a group of reporters about taking certification exams and what aspect of…

Case study: Orleans Technical’s internship course

The Court Reporting Internship course at Orleans Technical Institute in Philadelphia, Pa., is one of the school’s greatest program accomplishments. The Court Reporting Internship course…

Female writer, male writer wanted…

I was gifted with several ‘older’ versions of our JCR. The magazines do not list JCR on the cover, as it is now called. Each…