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Posts published in “Features”

Rise to the occasion

By Kristy Clark “Ready? Begin.” These two simple words strike fear in my heart. But why do these seemingly innocuous words unhinge not only me…

The fear factor

By Debra A. Levinson Facing fear is a given as a court reporter. No matter how credentialed you are, no matter how many letters you…

Court reporting as a second career

The JCR reached out to several members of NCRA who made the decision to switch careers and enter the court reporting, captioning, or legal video professions and asked…

Reporting in Nigeria

By Jason Meadors It was departure day for Nigeria, a three-week work trip I went on a few months ago. That day started out with…

The aspiring realtime warrior

By Michelle Kirkpatrick Let’s start right off with a controversial topic. I’ve heard it said there’s a breakdown of abilities and skill levels within court…

Announcing the winners of the JCR Awards

The JCR Awards were created as a way to highlight the innovative and forward-thinking practices of NCRA members and to recognize how court reporters, captioners,…

Realtime: It’s worth it

By Keith Lemons The struggle is real. That’s a saying for just about everything nowadays. As court reporters, we know that it is real every…

The sweet path to the top of the captioner cake

By Anissa R. Nierenberger Broadcast and CART captioners comprise only 4.3 percent of NCRA’s membership. That’s a pretty tiny sliver! So why should you consider crossing over into…

Celebrating entrepreneurs

“It took a lot of hard work and determination to get through school and to build my skills as a practicing reporter. I’m a reporter business…

A well-rounded life

By Aimée Suhie Tom Crites is a present-day Johnny Appleseed who has planted 2,000 plumeria trees in and around Savannah, Ga., hoping to establish the…

My steno Cinderella story

By Sarah Maksim When I was a student just starting to learn my theory, I was given a writer that I’m sure most of you…