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Posts published in “Features”

TRAIN: No fear! Getting past realtime roadblocks

What’s preventing you from providing realtime? The Technology Subcommittee asked realtime providers through the TRAIN program for their best tips in getting past the roadblocks and into the groove.…


By Lynette Mueller It is a period of ever-changing technology! Court reporters, in the courtroom and deposition setting, are winning with tools and gadgets to…

TECHNOLOGY: The benefits of early adoption

By David Ward Because concentration is paramount for their job, court reporters don’t like disruptions — and that often extends to the equipment and other…

Take Note: Year in review

The Take Note campaign, launched in September 2014 by NCRA to support the future of court reporting through national advertising and public relations outreach, closed…

New Professionals: Tips from the pros

By Annemarie Roketenetz It’s not uncommon for new professionals in any field to face anxieties when starting out in their chosen career. This is especially…