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Posts published in “News”

A global business

With the Intersteno Congress coming up, you might want to visit In the fall, I had the opportunity to attend a council meeting for…

TechCon 2013 set to exceed debut

Learn more about NCRA’s unique tech event, which will take a fun approach to learning this April. The court reporting and legal video community is…

Thanks & Resolution

November, of course, is when we in the United States offer thanks for that which takes place in our lives. This being the November/December JCR,…

Blocking of facetime app hurts the deaf

In an article published on, author Brendan Gramer states that Apple will enable iPhone’s FaceTime app to work over mobile connections. However, Gramer found…

Deaf girl’s family sues girl scouts

On August 2, 2012, the  Chicago Tribune website reported that a federal lawsuit was filed on behalf of 12-year-old Megan Runnion, who is deaf. The…

New from Acculaw, Inc.

Acculaw’s billing and scheduling job management software went through a major upgrade. The program is now Web-based, and it provides all the necessary tools for…