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A global business

With the Intersteno Congress coming up, you might want to visit In the fall, I had the opportunity to attend a council meeting for…

Let’s get personal!

Throughout my 18 years of freelancing, I have often heard freelance reporters express their feelings of loneliness and isolation from other reporters due to the…

Don’t let fear rob you

This morning, I was sitting in church waiting for the 8 a.m. service to begin when I noticed two women walk past me down the…

Female writer, male writer wanted…

I was gifted with several ‘older’ versions of our JCR. The magazines do not list JCR on the cover, as it is now called. Each…

Media watch

The following summaries are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement from NCRA or anyone connected with NCRA. Links are provided…

Stadium Captioning

In the past few years, advocates for hearing accessibility have made gains in sports venues. Today, many major league and college stadiums regularly offer captioning…